I don’t ever want you to be afraid, embarrassed, ashamed to come talk to me about anything. If you ever need my help, I don’t want you to feel any negative emotion by coming to me. I’m not going to judge you ever. I always want to be able to help you.
Category: Teenagers
I’ll admit it, I’m BALD!!!
If you take pleasure in trying to make fun of me for that fact, then perhaps I might tell you that I don’t give a crap about what you think about me. Then again, I might not, and I’ll save you the embarrassment you tried to place on me!!!
Girls, don’t let anyone try to make you feel bad. If it is a friend, then maybe they shouldn’t be a friend anymore. True friends would never hurt your feelings on purpose. Now friends might make a mistake and accidentally hurt your feelings. Give them a chance to apologize before disowning them. Always give friends the benefit of the doubt.
Protected: [ADULTS ONLY] I’m not joking! LOL ;-)
“Daddie doesn’t shop that aisle! …
… Mommie’s gonna have to help you find what you need there…”
For now, I dread the day when certain teenage topics must be discussed. Fortunately I still have a few years to learn about how to teach you those lessons properly. I’m sure I won’t dread it then, I may very well be looking forward to getting it over with. My brother has been a great source of information since he raised a fine daughter to be proud of. To be continued…
“…hugs and kiss forever, even when you’re a TEENAGER!”
When you were all very young I would ask you, “Are you going to love Daddie and give Daddie hugs and kisses forever?”
And you always said, “Yes.”
Then I would follow up with, “… even when you’re a…”
and you would all blurt out “TEENAGER!!!” 😉
Protected: Money is NOT the root of all Evil!
Protected: My Goals…
Protected: How to communicate with the older/younger generation.
Protected: They are not mistakes… they are *lessons*… learn from them!
Banana, mint, mushrooms… ummm… no thanks!
I like peas, I like carrots, I love corn, but please don’t mix them together. I like bananas, but I don’t like banana flavor in any of my other foods. I don’t like mint flavor, I don’t like mushrooms or mushrooms flavor. BUT if I was at a friends house or my mom’s house, I would eat any and all mushrooms on my plate. And I would say thank you!