Easter’s meaning this year

This year Easter means to me that it is never too late to be forgiven. Even the man to Jesus’s right was saved at the end.

Creator God of Love, forgive us for judging others, we do not know other’s struggles and intents of their hearts as only you could know. Forgive us for not respecting people, lifestyles, and beliefs different from our own, we should all strive to Love one another as brothers and sisters and eliminate Hate from this world. We are all sinners and we ask for Your Forgiveness.

Even if you don’t believe that prayers work, please share a kind message of Love today with a stranger. Or simply pray that Love conquers Hate.

Namaste my brothers and sisters!


Elf and The Santa Clause

While I’m emptying barf buckets, washing blankets, cleaning carpets, and with presents still to wrap at 9pm, I have a confession to make… I have always been somewhat of a Grinch, a Scrooge. It partly stems from getting socks and underwear too many times as “gifts” as a child from my well intentioned mother. And not being able to rip open presents because we had to save the paper for next year, bless her heart! Mostly it’s from the over commercialization of the whole holiday season, the store decorations before Halloween, the songs before Thanksgiving, the “need” to give gifts as if a heartfelt “Merry Christmas” isn’t enough, or is it “Happy Holidays” now?!

But this year has been very different for me, with no ounce of Grinch-ness at all this season. I’ve have an amazing journey this year into my inner Soul, realizing the power of other spirits as well as my own psychic awareness and abilities, ignoring negative energy, turning off the sensationalism news, etc, etc. And watching Elf (and Santa Clause 1 2 & 3) for the first time, my new favorite Christmas movies! (Sorry Grinch.) “The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear!” How is there not an Elf 2 already?!? And when I asked the girls today, “How cool would it be if Daddie was Santa Claus?” And without blinking an eye Maddie says “We could help you push him off the roof!” ROTFLMAO!

I’ve had it wrong for 30+ years, there really is a Santa Claus! I should never have told Maddie there wasn’t. Don’t ever tell your kids there isn’t. When the time comes, tell them it is Mom and Dad, sneaking around the house wrapping and stashing presents in spots they hope their kids will never find!

Saying Merry Christmas is like saying I Love You, don’t say it unless you mean it or just because someone says it to you. Say it from your heart. Say it with me this year… “I LOVE YOU! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!”


“I just like to smile, smiling’s my favorite!”

PS: This pic is our Christmas card, we were practicing to steal presents early Christmas morning! 😉


2014 Christmas Card

If I Should Die Before You…

… I will do my best to give you signs from Heaven that I am there looking over you.  Pray… pray very hard, pray like you’ve never prayed before.  And be looking for my signs.  They will be unmistakeable signs from me.  I don’t want you to grieve too much or too long that you miss them.  It will be sad for awhile that we are separated physically, but we can be more spiritually connected, and that is so much more special!  I’m still there to help you, guide you, comfort you, and encourage you.  Just ask, and I’ll be there in your mind and in your heart.  You will know that I will always be with you until we meet again in Heaven.

After my dad died and I saw his signs from Heaven, I talked to him just about every day.  Asking for his help, his guidance, his comfort, his encouragement.  I felt even closer to him after he died.  I had a more spiritual connection with him.  Like he could hear my thoughts, know my feelings, and guide me in whatever situation I was in.  Sometimes I would ask for help, other times he would simply just give it to me without asking.

Remember my purpose in life is to bring as many people with me to Heaven as I can, whether I’m on Earth or in Heaven.  Your purpose in life should be to get to Heaven as well and meet me there!