I saw these sign and the really spoke to me… they said “Buy me for your girls and hang us where they can see us everyday!” They currently hang in the bathroom on our first floor, or in real estate terms… “The Powder Room”!
Month: July 2015
The floors were always clean at mom’s house
Whenever food fell on the floor at my mom’s house, I ate it. Cause I knew her floors were clean as could be. One of our chores was washing the floor every weekend. She taught us how to scrub that floor good. And for that, I thank her.
Some emotions can be more powerful than others
Choose your powerful emotions wisely. Don’t let Anger or Sadness rule your mind. I choose Joy and Gratefulness as my most powerful emotions.
{What are yours?}
Write your own book!
How about “MJP goes upstairs, gets ready for bed, and goes to sleep all by herself!”???