… know that she is always with you. You are never alone! My friend’s mom died a few months ago and like always, I wanted to do what I could to help ease the pain. A few days after the funeral, I wanted a sign that she was in Heaven still looking over her family. I was getting in my truck and I closed my eyes and prayed. I asked that whatever song was playing on the radio would be for my friend and her mom. Kari Jobe’s “I Am Not Alone” was playing, a song I had never heard before. I imagined my friend singing some of the lyrics of the song to her mom, and before long I was bawling. I shared this song with my friend who fell it love with it also.
So this morning on Mother’s day, the worship band at my friend’s church sang this song, and she started bawling. She was reminded that her mom is still with her, still watching over her!
I share this song with you in the hopes it can help ease some of your pain as well. Happy Mother’s Day!