••• – – – ••• (S. O. S.)…

… for those of you that don’t know morse code, not some new smiley face 😉 Remember, before we were :) and then we were :-) and 😀 and even 😛 and all the others. And don’t forget the crooked heads (: I miss those days :-( I hate But kinda like ヅ

I think everyone should learn more alternate forms of communication, such as Morse Code, Sign Language, or Parent Code Words.  Or at the very least use various punctuation as a form of #expression#.

For instance, if you need help (SOS, get it?!), a Legend is below, just as an “FYI”:
Is _everyone_ or just *some people* going to understand my different uses of punctuation?
Please tell me, is it “This”?! or “That!?”
or maybe?!?
or better yet!?!
This is obvious!!!
Don’t you think???
COME ON!!!!!
{Did I really write that!?!?!}
What was I thinking?!?!?
Oh, don’t worry, I will never tYPe LiKe thIS!
Time for bed…



Banana, mint, mushrooms… ummm… no thanks!

I like peas, I like carrots, I love corn, but please don’t mix them together. I like bananas, but I don’t like banana flavor in any of my other foods. I don’t like mint flavor, I don’t like mushrooms or mushrooms flavor. BUT if I was at a friends house or my mom’s house, I would eat any and all mushrooms on my plate. And I would say thank you!